11/1/2020 0 Comments As the Chair Turns - November 2020Can you feel it? Autumn is in the air. By the time you read this, the clocks will have fallen back and shorter days will be upon us. I’m an early riser so I appreciated the light in the mornings. It’s the earlier sunsets that will take a little getting used to. But, then we go through this every year, right (even though we voted for permanent Daylight Savings Time a couple years ago). 2020 has been a challenge year in so many ways. We’ve had to make huge adjustment in just about every aspect of our lives. We can no longer rely on our go-to default mannerisms. Every move and action now has to be carefully thought out. Very little feels natural right now. It will, though. We are very adaptable beings. It will just take a little time to unlearn some of the things that have been so hard-wired into our being. Patience and grace has to be our mantra, not just for ourselves but for all who cross our path. Many of you never stopped working during this pandemic, yet you had to pack up your office and adjust to new work conditions at home. I can not imagine how difficult it must be to make sure you have a healthy work/home balance. For others, like myself, everything came to a screeching halt and was suspended indefinitely. Only recently have some businesses, including mine, been allowed to reopen. Work routines and personal lives are still being hashed out and will be for a while. The dust certainly has not settled yet. These uncertainties are cause for many who have not been able to make their way back to the salon. Some of you may have needed to make other arrangements. Every bit of this is understandable. In the upcoming weeks I do hope to see more of you back in the salon. ++++++ I’m making plans for Holidays and typically "close down the shop" the week between Christmas and New Years. Mom and I talk on the phone daily and during one of our conversations she said she could sure use me for a month. She apologized for making such a request, but I stopped her right then and there and said we would make it happen. That’s the beauty of working for yourself and being able to set your own schedule. I have not been able to see my Mother since my Father’s passing in April and knew I wanted to extended my trip during the Holidays. This is a much needed visit for closure and healing. Mom and I have been putting a list together of projects for when I’m in Colorado so I have no doubt she’ll be keeping me very busy. I will be away December 25th through January 23rd. This hopefully gives you enough advance notice so you can plan for your Holiday appointments. +++++++ I have a smorgasbord of articles for you this month (I guess I do pretty much every month). We may not be able to get to some of our usual winter actives, but winter is coming. That means it’s time to think about your winter hair care routine. Your scalp and hair can become dryer during the winter months. Adding a few extra steps to your routine will help ensure your hair stays healthy during the cooler months. So you want a tapered haircut. Or was it a fade? There can be a little confusion around which is which, especially when you have a certain hairstyle in mind. I have a nice article that will help you avoid any further confusion. What’s old is new again. A trending hairstyle for you ladies (and men) has been the Shag. I think I’ve mentioned this hair trend before. With all the extra hair growth during lock-down many are experiment with new hairstyles. The Shag is just one of many making a come back. I have a post with a few variations of this haircut if you’re considering a change. *Just don’t, please do not consider a mullet (although I do have a nice history of the mullet for you later on). Speaking of hair growth, you guys have had your share of it, too. Last month I had an article for you about “pretty boy” haircuts that were cut shorter on the sides. This month have nice article on longer hairstyles and how to pull one off if you’re considering letting your hair grow. Did you know carrots were good for your hair, too. Carrots contain vitamin A, vitamin E, beta carotene, and other essential nutrients that are great for hair and scalp health. I have a few hair treatment recipes for you using carrot oil. I also have articles for you on winter beard care, scalp issues, early signs of male pattern baldness, and a podcast that caught may ear last month. As always, I am available by email, text or phone if you have any questions or concerns. Be well. Take Hair! AND #MaskUp 😷 AND VOTE !!!
In The News:
10/1/2020 0 Comments As the Chair Turns - October 2020Have I mentioned that October is my favorite color?
Hello. Hello. Hello. It feels so good to be back behind the chair. 6 months was a long time without seeing you. And boy howdy, did I miss you. The beautiful thing, though, was that even though it was a long, a very long stretch of time, as soon as you sat down in my chair it was like no time had passed. We just had a few new stories to share with each other. Those of you who haven’t been in yet, I’m really looking forward to hearing about what you did over the Summer (we’ll just call it that for now). Many of you helped and supported me early on when I had to close down operations. I know I’ve thanked each of you personally, but I want to give you an extra shout out here, in my newsletter. Your generous support helped in so many ways, not just personally but also in helping keep my business afloat. Many salons and hairstylists weren’t as fortunate and had to close their businesses. Having these funds, your pre-payments, available early on was so crucial. I had breathing room and could exhale just a little. You helped cover my rent at the salon and I was able to purchase supplies and the necessary items to keep you safe for when you were finally able to get in for an appointment. I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you. I had money set aside “under the mattress” and knew I would be OK for a couple months, but no one imagined it would be 6 months before personal services were allowed indoors again. We are still not in the clear, and won’t be for a long while, but as long as we keep wearing our masks and washing our hands there is a little more assurance of getting to the the other side of this. +++++ Many of you are still working from home and on Zoom calls. I found an article for you ladies with a few simple ideas on putting your hair up in a bun or with scarves. Guys, I hope you don’t take too much offense with the “Pretty Boy Haircuts” article. Once you get past the title, I hope you’ll click around and be inspired by some of the haircuts for your next appointment. Hair Toppers? I’d never heard of them before I stubbed across the article I have for you. Turns out, they fill a very important need for many women. They can be incorporated with your own hair to help give you a more full, natural look that is not a wig or extensions. I did a really fun transformation this last month (see the pix below). Before I started the procedure I asked Maggie to use a clarifying shampoo to remove any excessive residue or product build up from her hair. I wanted the color remover to work on just the direct-dye color and not have to work extra hard on anything else that might be in her hair. I do the same “cleansing" before a smoothing treatment. In researching clarifying shampoos to recommend I came across an article that asked “How to know if you should use a clarifying shampoo”. I have that article for you below. If you’re a heavy product user you may want to consider using a clarifying shampoo from time to time. Some hair products can build up over time and actually work against you and your hairstyling. I was watching an episode of The Russell Howard Hour on YouTube and he was interviewing Elizabeth Day. She has a podcast and has written several books on “How to Fail”. She believes that failure is an absolutely necessary part of success. I have the YouTube interview for you as well as links to her podcast. Did you know that dark hair was common among Vikings? Who knew? I sure didn’t. Now that I’ll be seeing you once again I hope the upcoming newsletters will include information and articles on topics that come up during our talks in the salon. That’s just some of what I have for you this month. As always, I am available by email, text or phone if you have any questions or concerns. Be well. Take Hair! AND #MaskUp I hope this finds everyone in good health and not too restless.
It has been a jam packed month in the hair world and a lot of confusion to boot. While San Francisco was still under lock down, the State authorized personal services to be performed outdoors. SAY WHAT? Not only were the operational “Rules” ridiculous, this is impractical for just about every hair salon, barbershop, and nail salon throughout the state. It’s also very unsanitary, unhealthy, and cheapens our industry. There have been protests throughout California for weeks from hair salons and stylists about the ridiculous "outdoor" policy. Again, opening outdoors is not a viable option for nearly every salon in California, especially here in San Francisco. These protests, I believe, are what encouraged the changes the Governor made on Friday by allowing personal services to be done indoors (with limitations), no matter what tier each county was under. The Governor’s and the Mayor’s press conferences on Friday have caused a lot of confusion on where hair salons stand on being open indoors or outdoors. Marin and Santa Clara Counties (both Purple, I think) are allowing indoor services beginning Aug 31st. San Francisco (a Red tier) is stubbornly only allowing outdoors services beginning September 1st. Alameda (a Purple tier) is also only allowing outdoor services, but say they are "evaluating next steps and options for alignment with the state". The announcement by our Mayor was made before the Governor's press conference on Friday. It should have been reviewed immediately once the Governor announced the new tiered system. Because it wasn't, we now have this confusion. Our Mayor said she would review everything this coming week. San Francisco needs to get on board with the rest of the State, if you ask me. There are salons, barbershops, and hair stylists in every county throughout California struggling with this same confusion. I've been asked by other barbers and stylists in SF on what to do. I could only share my reasoning with them. Everyone has to find their own comfort with this situation and make their own decision on moving forward. I made the bold decision to go along with the Governor's announcement of allowing personal services indoors beginning August 31st. I'm a little nervous about doing this, but feel it is the right decision. I understand some of you may not be comfortable with my decision to reopen. I do know that as soon as my email went out on Friday many of you were happy and excited to finally be able to schedule a hair appointment. I also sent this message to the Governor over the weekend imploring him to "encourage" Mayors throughout the State to get on board with the State. I hope this helped with any questions. I’ve updated the “New Normal” with what you should expect and need to know for your upcoming appointments. Please take the time to read this over. It’s important. I’ve been a little long winded here so I will just let you look over “What’s Inside This Month” below for the articles I’ve put together for you. 5 1/2 months has been a really long time. I cannot wait to see each and every one of you in the coming weeks. I am available by email, text or phone if you have any questions or concerns. Or just want to chat. Be well. Take Hair! AND #MaskUp 7/1/2020 0 Comments As the Chair Turns - July 2020Hi. Hi.
I hope this finds you and yours in a good state of mind, healthy, still washing your hands AND wearing your face masks. There are still individuals out there who are not taking this pandemic seriously and continue putting the rest of us at risk. The one thing we can do is take the proper safety precautions to protect ourselves and the loved ones in our family groups. Last week was very confusing. First we were allowed to reopen earlier than originally targeted then, just days later, the Mayor suspended the next phase reopening AGAIN! As of this mailing I unfortunately don’t have any updated information on whether or not the tentative July 6th date I gave you last week will allowed either. We're just going to have to take this one day at a time and I will continue to keep you updated as I learn more. Since I haven’t seen you for a few months now, it’s been a little bit of a challenge coming up with articles I hope you find interesting or relevant. It’s our time together and the conversions we have that help me come up with what I share with you each month. What I do know is that you’re looking a little shaggy and some of you are seeing more “natural” haircolor than you want. So, until we’re able to be together in person I’m going to continue passing along information I hope you find helpful during these unprecedented times. Summer’s here and it’s a perfect time to be a little care free with your hairstyling. Yes, that means you guys, too. I have a nice guide with helpful tips on Air-Drying you hair. I also have a ‘messy” tutorial for you guys whose hair has grown out the last few months. And for those of you who’ve really embraced that shaggy hair, I have a some surfer tips on how to make that hair look cool. As I mentioned above, these really are unprecedented times. I hope you are are making time with family members and friends to have some tough, uncomfortable conversations. I have a YouTube series for you by Emmanuel Acho about race that many white people have never been able to have. This is just one of many great podcasts and web series now available to help us grow, learn, and challenge our thinking. That’s just some of what I have for you this month in “As the Chair Turns”. I’ve said this before. I want you to know how fortunate I am to have each and every one of you sitting in my chair. You challenge my thinking and encourage me to grow as a person. I have missed that, and you, these last few months. I look forward to the day when we get to be together again. I am available by email, text or phone if you have any questions or concerns. Or just want to chat. Until we meet again… 6/1/2020 0 Comments As the Chair Turns - June 2020What day is it?
How are you doing? You doing alright? As days have turned in to weeks and weeks in to months I hope you are staying healthy, not just physically but mentally well, too. This month, again, I’ve tried to focus on stories and articles that are relevant to the current times we’re living through. You should have received a couple emails from me last month in addition to my monthly newsletter. In one I let you know that Bay Area salons and barbershops would be reopening in Phase 2c with a target date of July 13th. The other one outlined what to expect once the salon is back open and that we would be working with limited schedules. I’ll be working Sunday thru Wednesday when we reopen. I have opened my schedule if you want to start scheduling appointments after July 13th. There are links throughout this newsletter to help you with that. Hair is getting out of control and not everyone has been able to get a “covid-cut” or color their hair at home. While baseball caps might work for some, I thought I would recommend another option, head scarfs and bandanas. I found a few sites for you with tutorials and “how to’s” if you’re wanting to try a different look for that Zoom meeting. I’ve talked about stress and hair loss quite a bit. Almost 3 months into this pandemic you might be noticing a few more hairs on your pillow or in your hair brush. This is normal under the circumstances. Being mindful of your activities and mental state will help offset some of the stress and fatigue you may be feeling. Yoga with Andriene has received some national attention so I have links for you. Meditation is another great way to feel centered. Check out the link with podcast recommendations. On a more serious note and please do not take the following personally. It’s just something I need to say. I have been asked if I would make house calls. The requests have come from clients and friends alike. As much as I would love to see each and every one of you, this is asking quite a lot from me. From the very beginning of this lock-down I made it very clear I would take every precautions necessary to ensure my own safety and well-being, as well as those around me. I have no control over the behavior of others, but I can at least be mindful of my own environment and surroundings. COVID-19 is a secret predator. The nature of my work is very intimate and breaches the 6-foot distancing recommendation, now 30 feet in some situations. This means even stricter protocols are necessary. By asking me to come in to your home you are asking me to break the Stay-at-Home order and put a few things at risk. First would be both your and my heath, safety, and well-being. We are not of the same households nor have we been self-quarantining together. Next would be my license and career, basically my livelihood. I have invested too much to foolishly risk having that taken away. Someone put it this way: “Asking a hairstylist to do your hair right now, when it’s clearly prohibited to break stay-at-home orders, is like asking a doctor friend to write you a random prescription for narcotics.” I have been very vocal about other hairstylists and salons that have disobeyed stay-at-home orders and are “secretly” (some not so secretly) doing hair. I understand the need to support yourself and your family, I do, but at what cost? At the cost of spreading a very highly contagious virus? Reopening the salon, even with the highest cleaning, sanitation, and disinfection protocols in place, has its own risks. I get it. But at least in the salon, we are doing our best to protect you (and ourselves) in somewhat of a controlled and hopefully safe environment. I know this may seem harsh, but I’m not going to lose my license, jeopardize my career or my health for you. Please, respect my profession and my career and know I’d never ask the same of you. Whew... I am available by email, text or phone if you have any questions or concerns. Or just want to chat. I think that's all for now. |
Hair by BrianMy name is Brian and I help people confidently take on the world. CategoriesAll Advice Announcement Awards Balayage Barbering Beach Waves Beauty News Book Now Brazilian Treatment Clients Cool Facts COVID 19 Health COVID 19 Update Curlies EGift Card Films Follically Challenged Gossip Grooming Hair Care Haircolor Haircut Hair Facts Hair History Hair Loss Hair Styling Hair Tips Hair Tools Health Health And Safety Healthy Hair Highlights Holidays Humor Mens Hair Men's Long Hair Newsletter Ombre Policies Procedures Press Release Previous Blog Privacy Policy Product Knowledge Product Reviews Promotions Read Your Labels Recommendations Reviews Scalp Health Science Services Smoothing Treatments Social Media Summer Hair Tips Textured Hair Thinning Hair Travel Tips Trending Wellness Womens Hair Archives
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