Need More Motivation… Growing hair out, men? Check below for Medium Length hairstyle ideas for men. If you’re a bit of a goldilocks when it comes to your hair – not too short, not too long, but in between – then you’ll be pleased to know there is plenty of inspiration when it comes to men’s medium hairstyles.
In fact, medium length hairstyles are amongst the most popular with your favourite male celebrities. Just take Chris Hemsworth’s effortless blonde tresses, Leonardo DiCaprio’s ever changing hairdos, Bradley Coopers sharp and slicked back hair or Colin Farrell’s edgy mid-length style. With medium length hair, whether you’re rocking it long on top and sharp on the sides, or leaving at tousled and fuss-free, you’re open to more styling options that can be part shaved, straight, wavy and of course, with as little or as much product in your hair as you like. Check out some of the men’s medium hairstyles and haircuts below. Polished messiness is the secret How To Grow Out Your Hair Without Looking Like You’ve Given Up On Life
First things first, there’s something we need to make very clear. As you’ve probably seen with many a male celebrity, there is a world of difference between simply deciding not to cut your hair one day, and growing your hair out with actual effort. And yes, you can tell the difference between the two. There are a few things you can do to make sure you don’t fall into the former category though, starting with… Get As Many Opinions As Possible Before you decide to go full-Fabio, do a serious evaluation as to whether the product of your spent time and effort is actually gonna look good or not. Take a look in the mirror, use a snapchat filter, ask your family, ask your Mrs, ask your mates, ask anyone how they reckon you’d look with long hair. Also, don’t be afraid to cut it back if you don’t think it’s going to go as well as you thought. There’s no shame in trying, but we can’t all be Chris Hemsworth. Match Your Style To Your Features There’s a few things that can determine just how good your mane is likely to look, and they all rest on your face. Having thicker hair in certain places (for instance a heavier top and thinner sides, or vice versa), can help accentuate or balance the features of your mug, meaning it’s important to get everything proportioned correctly. If you have large features (big nose, big lips etc.) or a rounder face, go for bigger, larger, more textured styles to soften them. Early Mick Jagger is a good example. If you have smaller features and a thinner face, a thinner, longer style is probably more suitable. Think Zlatan or Jared Leto. Adjust Your Style As It Grows Of course, before you reach a glorious mane you’re going to go through months of awkward lengths, styles and unruliness that’ll make you question whether or not you want to continue. The answer to this issue is twofold. One, make sure you’re giving your hair the best chance to grow healthily by eating a decent diet and using conditioning products as it grows. Two. Don’t be afraid to get a little product involved to keep things looking presentable. It’ll take time for your hair to reach a long enough length to weigh itself down and look properly natural, so you may have to compromise for a while. Once It’s Grown, Let Your Barber Take the Reigns If you’ve grown your hair out right, it should need as little maintenance as possible to make it look good. If you want to blow dry it, go for it, but lay off on the styling products, unless of course you’re trying out for a Motley Crue tribute act. The hallmark of a grown-out hairstyle that works is that it should look good sitting naturally. If it doesn’t, then let your barber fix it or consider a change of style altogether. That being said, take care of your hair. Short hair might let you get away with being a little more relaxed on the shampoo and conditioner, but as any girl will tell you, long hair won’t afford you that luxury. Always Keep It In Check Keeping your hair healthy often boils down to making sure you’re touching it as little as possible, but depending on how long you decide to go, you’re gonna have to figure out ways to make sure it’s not going everywhere when you’re playing sport, doing manual labour or even just walking in a windy day. The key here is to experiment with what suits you. Take as much inspiration as you’d like when it comes to buns, ponytails, headbands, bandannas or whatever, as long as you’re avoiding the top knot. This article first appeared on D’MARGE Just because you aren’t rocking an elaborate mohawk or mullet, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be spending anytime styling and maintaining the quality of your mid-length hair cut. With these easy tips and tricks you can take your mop top from drab to dapper.
EXPERT TIP: Anthony Nader – Raw Hair Salon Sydney #1 Mmm the in-between style that never really defines whether you are growing your hair or if you just haven’t had time to see your Hairstylist yet. Personally, I love this look as I think it gives off a more charismatic and softer feeling to your appearance. #2 To keep your hair more compact to your scalp so your don’t looking like a lions mane, try rinsing your hair in the coolest water temp possible and then you’ll have more control throughout the day. #3 The other secret is if your wanting to put some product in, always add in your light weight wax into damp hair and your good to go. #4 Calvin Klein Platinum S/S 2014 is your go to for inspiration here. EXPERT TIP #2 – Kevin Murphy, International Stylist #1 The current look for medium hair is basically short hair and has been slightly grown-out, just over the ears. Whatever you do, don’t over style it, you want the hair to have a natural texture and matte finish. #2 The great thing about medium length cuts is that they’re so versatile and with the right products, you can have a new look every day. #3 Many men don’t wash their hair properly, but if you’re going to let your hair grow out, using a good shampoo and conditioner is vital to keep it looking great. #4 And the cut is really important. Make sure you ask your hairdresser for a square shape, because if the cut is too round it will look feminine. This article first appeared on D'MARGE by Kyle McManus
With summer looming, millions of we gents are making travel plans. Wherever you’re going, sitting on a plane, train, or boat for hours and hours tends to leave you looking and feeling past your best. Even if you start your trip without a single strand out of place, you’ll still probably look like a scruffy shadow of your former self by the time you reach your destination. Basically, you need to travel-proof your hair, but that’s not as easy as it should be. Fear not though, chaps – we’re here to help Tip #1: Wash and Go Be sure to wash your hair during your morning shower before you head to the airport. Why? By being thorough with shampoo and conditioner, you’ll give your hair much-needed texture and remove excess oils. As a result, your hair scalp will be in better condition while you travel. If you style hair that hasn’t been washed in a few days, it’s bound to look worse after hours on a plane with all that oil and product mixed together. Tip #2: Dry and Dry Again Grab a travel-sized can of dry shampoo, and then just spray it lightly on oily spots throughout your journey (be sure to do this in the bathroom, so you’re not irritating your fellow passengers). This is ideal if you want to top-up your style too, letting you refresh your locks ready for a dash more product. Still, with that in mind, be sure to … Tip #3: Go Easy on the Product You want to look good when you touch down or step off that train. You want to drop your luggage off and get straight out there, seeing the sights and sampling the local delights. Obviously, you want to style your hair just as you like it, so you still feel like YOU even though you’re halfway across the planet (or further!). Still, it’s essential that you don’t overdo it on the product – even though you might think you need more to keep it looking sharp during long periods of travel, you might end up overloading your hair, leading to an oilier, messy look later on. Use as little as you can to maintain your style, and go with water-soluble wax or a light gel. Start with a small amount, and then add more as needed; don’t just slap a golf ball-sized clump on. Tip #4: Resist Temptation or Sit on Your Hands When you’re a few hours into a long flight, it’s easy to start feeling uncomfortable, frustrated, maybe even a bit stir-crazy. You’ll probably be tempted to run your fingers through your hair, check your style in the mirror, play around with the odd strand here and there … Don’t do it! While you might think you can make your style look better by constantly smoothing or twisting it into shape, you’ll keep adding more oil (from your hands). These will mix with those oils already on your scalp, too, making for a pretty unpleasant look and feel. Tip #5: Mix it Up Of course, you don’t HAVE to keep your hairstyle exactly the same while jetting off on holiday. What better time to try something new, fresh, and cool than when you’re breaking from your usual routine? Maybe go for a shorter, lower-maintenance cut, or for longer styles, go for a top-knot. The less you feel the need to keep it perfect, the more travel-proof your hair will be! We hope these tips keep you rocking your favourite look when travelling – have fun, and remember to keep it Rugged, Yet Smooth! This article first appeared on Rugged Yet Smooth 7/4/2017 Frosted tips are making a comebackThis just in: Frosted tips are making a comeback. But not everyone’s happy about it. A Facebook community called @soodhot recently posted a now-viral video of young men getting their tips “frosted” to resemble early ’00s boy banders. On online outcry ensued: But it’s not just happening on the Internet. Apparently, people have begun noticing more and more guys with frosted tips walking around on the street:
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