5/5/2016 0 Comments Rooty Balayage BlondeThis is Karen. I've posted about her before. She first came to me as a full foil highlight and over the years I've soften her look to a rooty blonde with balayage (hand painted) highlights. A base color or "smudge" is applied all over to the new growth to lighten her base color a little and also cover the few greys that keep trying to peak through. This base color then becomes the beautiful lowlight (that was my plan) as her hair grows out. The balayage highlights are painted on to the hair very free form which makes for a softer, more lived in blonde.
4/10/2016 0 Comments IGORA COLORWORXExperience the most intense and long-lasting direct dyes ever, for bold colour effects that last up to 20 washes**. What is it? Our first direct dyes create pure, intense, and long-lasting fashion colours, for infinite mixing* and bold colour effects. What can you do with it? It’s all about creating striking colour with ultimate versatility. IGORA ColorWorx direct dyes are mixable with any Schwarzkopf Professional colour*, giving stylists the power to customise, boost, correct or neutralise any Schwarzkopf Professional shade. What’s the big deal? Brighter, bolder and more vibrant than ever before, our highest pigment concentration ever can create the most intense looks that last for up to 20 washes*. Give me the Facts!
IGORA ColorWorx is available in 7 shades plus 1 white diluter. Shades include Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple and Pink. No developer required. Discover the ultra-versatile IGORA ColorWorx colour solutions: Direct Application – Apply IGORA ColorWorx directly on blonde or pre-lightened hair for bold colour effects for up to 20 washes* Pastel Mixing – Mix any IGORA ColorWorx shade with the IGORA ColorWorx White Diluter for soft pastel tones *IGORA ColorWorx shades Pink and Purple cannot be mixed with any non-IGORA ColorWorx colours. **Longevity may vary depending on hair condition and pigment concentration. It’s time to experience a new world of pure and intense, intermixable trend inspired colours with IGORA ColorWorx 4/10/2016 0 Comments Haircolor Trend: Oil SlickThe “Oil Slick” haircoloring trend comes from the iridescent swirls of color found in a pool of oil on the ground. The look, with its dark base and less-extensive required lightening, is an ideal technique for brunettes who request creative color. The transition to fall usually means shifting to darker, warmer hair colors. And this is usually achieved by dyeing the hair to a single, overall wash of color. It’s practically a tradition by now: the summer is for experimenting with a riot of colors - sometimes all at once - while the winter is when we sort of start settling down into the richer, more sophisticated hues. And it makes sense, on some level: the trends reflect life, the seasons and our choices.
But it can get monotonous. And just because the skies are turning grey, and the ground white, doesn't mean you’ve got to give up on cheerful colors! Luckily, the hottest hair color trend is all about marrying the bright to the dark to a magical, shimmering end. So, what are we talking about? The oil slick hair trend, of course. If you haven’t heard of the oil slick hair trend and your imagination is conjuring up images of greasy, smudged up color, wait just a moment. We’re not talking second-day hair or icky roots: we’re talking the most delicious marriage of kaleidoscopic colors with deep, moody undertones. In a nutshell, the oil slick hair trend is equal parts the grey granny hair trend and the rainbow colors trend that have both been so big this year. We’re essentially taking inspiration from the multicolored manes and adapting them for darker bases and edgier effects. Think of it as the sexier, more grown-up version of the pops of pastel we’ve been loving all year. Shush up your inner unicorn and bring out your inner sphinx. The oil slick hair trend is a fresh new take on the mermaid hair trend - but with a more pronounced sheen and set in dark hair. Ever looked at the gloriously colored plumage on a peacock and the iridescent neck feathers of a pigeon? Or the shimmering liquefied rainbow that’s created when oil puddles form after a rain shower? Those are the sort of fabulous hues and effects we’re going after here. The oil slick hair trend is all the rage because it tends to a very major audience that has been lusting for something exactly like this all year: the dark-haired beauties. While there is no denying the appeal of candy-colored hair, let’s face it: its wearabilty is limited to the fair-haired lot. And if you’re not flaxen (or can’t be because it just won’t suit you) then you have probably watched sadly from the sidelines as all the pastel and bubblegum hues have quietly mocked you in your Instagram feed. But the happy days are here, because the oil slick hair trend is all about celebrating the sable. The colors - brilliant blues and gleaming greens and everything in between - wear so beautifully in darker hair. Pastel hues just don’t sit as naturally in dark hair as they do in light, which is why most brunettes have stayed away from the trend all year. And it’s not just about the end result, because who cares if you’re happy with your look? There is a technical side to hair color trends too, and it’s kept the candy color trend out of reach: when you have a dark base to start with, going light can be a real problem; we’re talking so much bleaching and waiting around. Lots of clients I talk to are worried about damaging their hair by going from really dark to really light, which is why most brunettes choose to skip the lighter/ brighter color trends. Not anymore though! How does the oil slick trend work? Well, essentially you’re layering jewel tones like emerald and indigo on each other to create a multi-tonal effect. The swirly mix of greens, blues and purples is really what drives the look. The trick to getting this trend right is to start out with a dark base. So, if you’ve got naturally dark hair, half your look is already in place. If you’re starting out with a light base, your stylist is going to have to give you a dark wash first. When it comes to the main colors themselves, you don’t want them to lay flat and chunky on top of each other, blocking the dark base out. The dark base is what adds the secret luminescence to the look. You want the colors to hold true individually but also peek from within: think of them as translucent filters that you hold up together, against the light. You want them to be almost sheered out and layered on top of each other and the color built up as you go along: this way the dark base will add shadows while the greens and blues will add light and we get that gorgeous gasoline-meets-water effect. Apart from the fact that this one is right up the dark hair alley, there is also the added bonus that darker dyes last longer. If you’ve tried any of the pastel / rainbow trend variants you’ve probably already learned that those tend to fade away pretty fast. But the stronger, deeper dyes will last a lot longer in your hair which means that you save on two levels: one, you can enjoy the stunning effects for much longer and two, you don’t have to spend as much time or money on touchups. With the oil slick hair trend you get more bang for your buck. What’s more is, since these are basically darker hues filtered onto a dark base, even the fade-out is a subtler experience; the change is very gradual and you certainly don't have to worry about booking an appointment right away to keep the roots/base from peeking through. So, much less upkeep - another one for the win! The duck feather trend, as it is also called, adds just the right amount of mystery to the mermaid. The inkiness is what makes so perfect for the season: it’s stormier, it’s sexier and it’s sophisticated. Just the right note you want for this time of the year. Get ready to go rainbow in raven. Images of Oil Slick Hair Turns out, science has an answer. Most people think the collar and cuffs automatically match up, but hair is more complex than that so says Petra Haak-Bloem, specialist at the Dutch national information centre for genetics and hereditary traits.
“The genes that determine hair color are so-called ‘incomplete dominant hereditary traits.’ This means that there isn’t one single gene that’s dominant over the rest, but all genes influence each other,” This allows for the hair on your head, your facial hair, and your pubes to differ in colour. Madness right? “Generally speaking, people inherit hair color not only from their parents, but also from their grandparents and earlier ancestors. So it’s entirely possible that one distant ancestor had a hair color that suddenly appears again though a certain combination of genes—and that can be quite unexpected for parents,” Haak-Bloem continued. But why all the annoying red hair coming through in men’s beards? “More than a decade ago, researchers discovered that one gene (MC1R) on chromosome 16 plays an important part in giving people red hair. MC1R’s task is making a protein called melanocortin 1. That proteine plays an important part in converting pheolmelanine into eumelanine,” Haak-Bloem tells us. “When someone inherits two mutated versions of the MC1R-gene (one from each parent), less pheomelanine is converted into eumelanine. The feomelanine accumulates in the pigment cells and the person ends up with red hair and fair skin.” So the unexpected red beards are a mutation in the MC1R gene. When you only have one mutated MC1R, red hair can appear in certain often unwanted places. While it definitely won’t kill you, having some stray red hairs creeping through into your beard isn’t a look most men want. Sadly though, genes are genes, and there just ain’t no fighting it. Sorry gents. * Almost 2 out of every 5 men in the world have a red tinge to their beards. Weirdly it’s not just the Irish. |
Hair by BrianMy name is Brian and I help people confidently take on the world. CategoriesAll Advice Announcement Awards Balayage Barbering Beach Waves Beauty News Book Now Brazilian Treatment Clients Cool Facts COVID 19 Health COVID 19 Update Curlies EGift Card Films Follically Challenged Gossip Grooming Hair Care Haircolor Haircut Hair Facts Hair History Hair Loss Hair Styling Hair Tips Hair Tools Health Health And Safety Healthy Hair Highlights Holidays Humor Mens Hair Men's Long Hair Newsletter Ombre Policies Procedures Press Release Previous Blog Privacy Policy Product Knowledge Product Reviews Promotions Read Your Labels Recommendations Reviews Scalp Health Science Services Smoothing Treatments Social Media Summer Hair Tips Textured Hair Thinning Hair Travel Tips Trending Wellness Womens Hair Archives
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